Embarrassing how long it has been, but…

Well it has been over 6 months since I booted up Protools, sat behind the edit/mix window and did anything. Why, why, why?

Of course, I have other material that I want to complete, but it seems I just wasn’t feeling the “moment” yet. To define that moment, well it’s kind of weird, may sound like snake oil to some but… I was just getting the feeling the songs were NOT ready to be recorded even though they are ready to be recorded. Oxymoron? Contradicting?, am I just nuts?

My next digital release seems to be coming together as being once again based on a theme. Whether it is 1, 2 or even 3 songs, I feel once I start it, I will not stop until it’s done. In my last production/release “My World“, the last track on the production queue was “Need Some Air“. It was actually the fastest piece I pulled together in comparison to the other 4 tracks. I think one of the most important qualities was I had a production image in mind, very early on. This way I made some composition/production decisions rather quickly and didn’t second guess myself.

So with the next release I am trying to get to the point of “confidence” on a consistent basis throughout the ENTIRE production. Hey maybe that means I will release a new production at a faster pace. Sounds like good work ethic? LOL, I hope I don’t embarrass myself two-fold in 6 months from now.